A brief guide to understanding magnetic therapy products

We offer what we believe to be not only the most comprehensive selection of magnets and products but also a very good choice of books and articles on the effects and usage of magnetic products; from theory to practical application. We also make a point to teach everyone that wants to learn, everything there is to know about magnets; how they work, what they are made out of, where to use them, when to use them, and how they will help. We believe the key thing that is missing in the magnetics marketing and manufacturing business today is education, and we help solve that problem.

One of the major failures of many magnetic products on the market today revolves around their lack of strength. The Polar Power (TM) brand emphasizes maximum strength for intended useage.

Types of biomagnets

Flexible: This is a neoprene like base with large quantities of ferric oxide (iron oxide) powder as the magnetized (active) ingredient, this is the lowest strength material we use, but if used in the correct size it can be very practical. It also has the advantages of reasonable cost and a flexible, non-breakable nature.

Ceramics: Probably the king pin of the magnetics business and a good choice for deep field penetration if the weight can be managed.

Rare Earth (neodymium): The exotics; newest and strongest in the industry. Very strong (magnetically), but has short depth penetration; usually only provided in relatively small sizes, can be physically dangerous in large pieces. Tend to be expensive, but great for intense fields on small areas.

The strength of magnets is usually described either in gauss or tesla units - 1 tesla is equal to 10,000 gauss - these are measurements of magnetic flux (or force), or more specifically the density of the lines of magnetic flux. Measuring magnetic strength is usually done with a magnetometer or a gauss meter. The strengths of magnets can be related in more than one way and this can cause confusion at first. Relating strengths in more than one way can actually be an advantage if you understand the difference.

One reference is to relate the manufacturers rating. This is expressed as Br - residual gauss or a "closed magnetic circuit" value. This is great to compare one type of magnetic substance to another but it can leave you guessing about the field strength at any given distance because this type of rating is not size dependent. Many marketers like this reference because it tends to sound stronger (the numbers are bigger). Another method is to relate the surface gauss strength; if the size is given also then this is useful. The best information on strength comes when one is given strengths at measured distances. That way one can know the magnetic field strength where it is needed, which is usually some distance away from where the magnet is placed.

On our website you will find a "Field Strength Chart" that shows strengths of many of our products at measured distances (which shows the depth of penetration) The link is near the bottom of this page.

The Polar Power products that we sell have a very wide range of usage, from the very small to the very large, from weak (magnetically) to very strong. Nearly everyone, young to old, can enjoy the benefits of what these products have to offer

Questions are often asked, relating to the use of magnetic products having 'bipolar' or 'multipolar' (both north pole and south pole fields on the same surface of the magnet) field arrangements. Usually these are flexible and rather thin. The manufacturers' research and 19 years of experience shows at best a limited value in the use of multiple pole configurations, and usually many disadvantages. The greatest difference of 'straight' or single pole (one single pole on each side) magnets is their ability to project a relatively strong field at greater distances than multiple poled products (this involves the depth of penetration issue). Polar Power products that contain multiple magnets in have all the same pole facing the same direction and are arranged to provide the purest NEGATIVE magnetic field at the proper treatment distance.

We have also noticed a great degree of confusion exists in the market when a customer wishes to buy a magnetic bed pad. Customers frequently do not know the correct questions to ask concerning the magnetic properties of the bed pad. If the customers ask logical questions can they trust the answers that are given to them? Does the seller even know anything about the product that he is selling?

In general you should get a bed pad with a negative field of use, having as many magnets as possible, that are evenly spaced. The pad weight is usually a useful rule of thumb in choosing this type of product. If two twin sized pads of equal dimensions have significantly differing weights you can pretty well assume the heavier pad will have either larger magnets, more magnets, or both. Therefore the bed pads that are heavier, either have more magnets or have larger magnets, and therefore have greater field or depth of penetration. We want to be as helpful as possible and provide as much information as we can so your choice of magnetic products will be an informed one.

Magnetic energy pulses from distant galaxies.

Electricity and magnetism are 2 forms of the same phenomenon. All energy is electromagnetic in nature.

The Earth is a magnet. So is the Moon, other planets, and the Sun. Cosmic Radiation from the Sun is so powerful that it can penetrate a block of lead 10 to 12 feet thick, but cannot cut through the earth's protective Magnetic Shield.

Dr. Kyoichi Nakagawa M.D. who coined the term: Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome". His 20 years plus of research concluded that people are "magnetically deficient". It is a scientific fact that the Earth's magnetic field is weakening, as we are going toward a Magnetic Pole Reversal. (It happens every 500,000 to 700,000 years.)

Dr. William Philpott spent the last years of his career research magnetic fields and using them on his patients. He points out that magnets bring oxygenated blood to the pain-affected area. Dr Philpott also states that magents are non-invasive and he believes it is the Energy Medicine of the Future.

Dr. Albert Roy Davis spent a lifetime researching the effects of Magnetism on the Living System. He was one of the first to discover the very extreme difference between a positive and a negative magnetic field.

Featured Products

Mattress Pad
$149 .95
  • accelerate nightly healing
  • 5GB storage
  • Unlimited public projects
  • Community access
  • Unlimited private projects
  • Dedicated support
  • Free linked domain
  • Monthly status reports
Mag Pillow
$89 .95
  • accelerate nightly healing
  • 5GB storage
  • Unlimited public projects
  • Community access
  • Unlimited private projects
  • Dedicated support
  • Free linked domain
  • Monthly status reports
Foot Soothers
$29 .95
  • accelerate nightly healing
  • 5GB storage
  • Unlimited public projects
  • Community access
  • Unlimited private projects
  • Dedicated support
  • Free linked domain
  • Monthly status reports

Notable People Who Have Benefited from Magnetic Therapy

SHANE WATSON- Austrailian Crickett

SIMON BLACK- Footballer


HIDEKI ARABU- Major League Baseball







JIM WHITESEAL - Trainer Seattle Seahawks -NFL

RYAN VERMILLION - Dir. Rehabilitation Miami NFL




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